Thank you to Jason Ransom (ex-Woodstock Sentinel-Review /
Ottawa Sun, now official photographer for the Prime Minister) and
his wife Deborah for judging our December contest.
A strong silhouette that would run in any daily paper. It was an easy
choice for first.
Second place had nice chiaroscuro but not very engaging. It would
need a fat caption to help the reader to understand what's going on.
The best of the weak.
1ft-goian02 (snowy horses)
The first place photo quickly stood out. It's a simple and pretty
2ft-bnelms02 (haircut)
Even though this photo may have zero editorial relevance, it still
captures a moment.
3ft-goian01 (horse + rider)
Much weaker than the first place photo, but still holds the reader.
1 pp-cartier01
This was a disappointing category. Eight entries in total. The first
place image was by far the most entertaining and interesting image.
2 pp-logan1
We loved the use of negative space and the subjects body language.
It would run well in any paper.
3 pp-DEA02
Barely hung in there for third. Is the lady holding dinner? Kidding...
This was the hardest category for us to judge. We were disappointed
with the number of weak, goal mouth action shots and the lack of
sports features. Please work on going beyond the trite.
The first place photo had a few things going on that carried it to the
top. Namely some emotion and the equipment used as contributing
foreground and helping lead the readers eye up to the subject.
The flare on the bottom of the photo almost killed it but the decisive
moment kept it alive. Alive enough to get it a second place in a weak
category. Burn down the flare!!!
Even though you can't see her face very well and the fact it's under
exposed, we liked it for what it is... something different. A girl doing
knuckle pushups from an interesting angle.
Picture story
This is probably a re-shoot because of some poor quality images
but it still stuck out from the pack as a really strong attempt.
Please, please do yourself a favor and go back for more...
Techincally better than the first, but the photos are not as interesting.
Came across as a package of snap shots. Needed more thought
and attention to detail.
1st. - John Hanley

1st. - Dorin Goian

1st. - Justin Cartier

1st. - Sarah Dea

1st. - Ben Nelms